Wednesday 19 September 2007


A literary agent friend of mine has just told me about a new website for writers and readers called Fiction Allsorts. There aren't any links up to either readers' sites or writers' sites, nor links to books read or written yet ... the site is still under construction. But I like the name (I can taste the liquorice as I write) and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens and how the site develops.

Here's what they say on their homepage:

Like a box of Allsorts, we aim to provide something for everyone.

Whether you are a writer looking for a place to promote your work, or a reader looking for something new, we hope this site will provide what you need.

This is a new site and is still very much under development. Please bookmark us and pop back from time to time.


StuckInABook said...

I've been away from the internet for ages, so nice to be back, and reading your blog among other things. And since I was last here, has all changed from MATing to relationship-with-writing, which is fascinating, and hopefully very useful for you too!

By the by, I took the 'what sort of writer should you be' quiz... and it came out as Science Fiction. Something must be wrong in there somewhere...

Angela Young said...

Somehow Science Fiction doesn't seem right ... and as for the MATing ... watch this space. But tomorrow - after editing my head off (for money) for far too long - I shall have one whole day to write. And write I intend to.